Creating online retail experiences with Retail Storey

Storey create better brand connections online through personalised online shopping experiences, powered by video, text and live chat.

Google Lighthouse performance score
Google Lighthouse SEO score

Project Overview

Continuing our relationship with Retail Marketing Group, having developed their new website in the midst of a global pandemic, we once again worked closely with their internal teams on a new project focused on delivering a better online experience for consumers that would traditionally visit a physical store. We were tasked with taking a beautiful new brand identity and developing a performant website that clearly articulates a brand new proposition, and supports Storey’s growth into a new market.

How Retail Storey performs

Built with intention, we practise what we preach. The result is a website that is accessible to all, loads in a heartbeat, and minimises the amount of carbon emitted each time a page loads.

  • This page is fully loaded in 600 milliseconds.

  • This page produced 0.3 grams of CO2.

  • This page is 834 kilobytes in page size.

Click the tabs below to navigate through the site.

Creating a consistent mobile user experience

Consistency doesn’t have to mean the same. Often the actions taken by users on a mobile device are subtly different, and it’s important to acknowledge that a mobile device has a significantly smaller display port and a slower internet connection.

Conscious design means taking these challenges into consideration from conception to ensure the end result delivers for the user whilst minimising load time on any internet connection.

Google Lighthouse Mobile Performance
Google Lighthouse Best Practice